A lady's cabinet must-have
Feeling itchy, experiencing burning sensations, or noticing unpleasant odors
down below? Our Boric Acid Suppositories
can alleviate common symptoms of vaginal infections
whenever you need a little self-care down there.
Bring vaginal pH back into balance

VWELL Boric Acid Suppositories restore the natural vaginal pH balance and prevent yeast
overgrowth due to sexual activity, hormones, medications, or changes in the immune system.
Renew your balance in just a few days — fast and effective!
Insert 1 suppository into the vagina at bedtime for 7
consecutive days or up to 14 days.
Your long-awaited relief from vaginal discomfort is already on its way.
How refreshing!

What's in the package?
30 counts of Boric Acid Suppositories